Best Android apps for:
Czytania liturgiczne

Welcome to the ultimate guide to the top Android apps for czytania liturgiczne. This page seeks to provide readers with the best applications to help with czytania liturgiczne. We have compiled a list of the best Android apps that you can use to aid your czytania liturgiczne studies. Whether you want to learn more about the history of czytania liturgiczne or need help organizing your czytania liturgiczne reading plan, these Android apps are sure to come in handy. Keep reading to find out more about these amazing Android apps that can help you study czytania liturgiczne.

## Prayer Book available for devices running Android 4.1 or higher. Soon available for more versions of Android. ## Have in your device the daily readings Missal of the Catholic Church and a Prayer Book. Read the readings of new and old Testament,...

Witaj!Oddajemy w Twoje ręce bezpłatną aplikację z tekstem Pisma Świętego Biblii Tysiąclecia. Umożliwia ona czytanie Pisma Świętego w dowolny sposób - ciągły lub wybranymi fragmentami, w czym dodatkowo pomaga opcja dodawania do...

Consult the Catholic liturgical texts (readings, psalms, gospel), liturgy of the hours and the lives of saints for each day or a date chosen.

The most comprehensive Catholic App . Available in English, Español, Português, Française, Deutsch, Nederlands, Slovenský, Italiano, Bahasa, Polski, Slovenski, Hrvatski, Việt, 简体, 繁體 and Românesc. Daily Mass Readings, Order of Mass,...

iBreviary TS Pro Terra Sancta is the application that brings the traditional Catholic prayer of the Breviary and all the texts of the Liturgy on your Android phones and tablet. iBreviary Pro Terra Sancta wants to contribute, through a partnership...

The liturgical calendar, also known as the Catholic Church calendar, consists of Holy Days, Feasts, the start and end day of the Catholic seasons (Advent, Christmas, Lent, The Triduum (Good Friday, Holy Saturday & Easter Sunday). The Catholic...

This liturgical calendar application enables you to follow daily readings of the Roman Catholic Church from your phone. The daily Catholic church readings are colour-coded according to the liturgical colour of the day; the same colours you will find...

The Catholic Mega App is your one stop resource for all things Catholic. Come to the app daily for liturgy of the hours, daily mass readings, common prayers, and Order of the Mass. Forgot your rosary? No problem...The app features a digital bead...

Aplikacja „Lectio Divina” to pomoc w takim czytaniu Słowa Bożego, aby to Słowo przemieniało nasze myślenie i abyśmy w Jego świetle dokonywali dobrych wyborów i podejmowali dobre decyzje. Aplikacja jest elektroniczną wersją rozważań...

Modlitwa łączy w sobie różne cechy wezwania: prośbę, podziękowanie, hołd itd. Nie trzeba wielu słów aby Mi się przypodobać - wystarczy, że Mnie bardzo kochasz. Mów do Mnie, jak gdybyś rozmawiał ze swoim przyjacielem.Modlitwy...

In this application from the Book of Hours is just the Compline (night prayer) and the Invitatory, which opens the liturgy of the hours of a day. New: Liturgia Horarum (Latin-only) including all the hours. English, German, Latin, Italian,...

Brewiarz - modlitwa codzienna Ludu Bożego po polsku w Twoim telefonie.Wierni, którzy celebrują liturgię Godzin, jednoczą się z Chrystusem, naszym Najwyższym Kapłanem, przez modlitwę psalmów, rozważanie słowa Bożego, pieśni i...

Lekcjonarz. Słowo Boże na dziś to zbiór czytań i Ewangelii używanych w całym roku liturgicznym.Dzięki tej niezwykle prostej aplikacji: - zyskasz stały kontakt ze Słowem Bożym - pogłębisz życie duchowe - lepiej zrozumiesz...

Modlitwa w drodze to codzienne, oparte na Ewangelii, kilkunastominutowe rozważania modlitewne, w formie dźwiękowej i tekstowej. Proponowana modlitwa zakorzeniona jest w duchowości ignacjańskiej. Dzięki niej odkryjesz, jak Słowo Boże, jak...

'Z Biblią na co dzień' to wersety biblijne na każdy dzień (z Biblii Warszawskiej).'Z Biblią na co dzień' stworzone jest na podstawie tekstów biblijnych wylosowanych przez zespół redakcyjny 'Losungen' Jednoty...

Short Bible readings read each midday at community prayer in Taizé. Also includes a short daily meditation by brother Roger (unconnected with the Bible text). The application works offline: texts updates are downloaded from the Internet. Bible...

"Czytania Liturgiczne z Biblii" pobiera z internetu czytania z mszy z danego dnia.Program jest przydatny dla osób które nie mogą być w dzień powszedni na mszy a chcą być na bieżąco z...

Read the Bible in one year.Only in Polish. English version is available here:"Bible Reading Calendar"

Pobierz Kalendarz biblijny, czyli pierwszą w sieci aplikację, która: - jest pierwszym kalendarzem z zamieszczonymi świętami katolickimi, świętymi danego dnia, świętami państwowymi - zawiera namiary czytań biblijnych każdego dnia,...

The application contains a description of catholic liturgy.

In the application you will find shared biblical readings for particular days of the liturgical year, which were varied with video materials allowing you to listen to them comfortably. Readings are accompanied by a daily video comment / homily and...

Simplified version application Scriptures PL. ------- Hello! We put in your hands free application with the text of Scripture Millennium Bible. It allows reading of Scripture in any way - continuously or selected portions, in which further helps...

The "Every Day" was created for people who would like to have quick and easy access to daily meditation Bible. Interesting thoughts Dennis Kinlawa, often confronting the reader with reality and provoking thoughts can be a great escape from...

The "five minutes of God" is an electronic form of the prayer book, published since the beginning of 2017. As a free supplement to the weekly "Catholic Guide". Prayer Book has been prepared in order to God in our lives had its...

We give into your hands the Scriptures application of the latest translation of Scripture with commentary prepared by the team of scholars from the Polish initiative of the Society of St. Paul. Application of Scripture - the first application of the...

"Pray as you can and do not try to pray as we can not. The less you pray, the worse it goes »  - a. John Chapman OSB- Welcome to your application Magnificat! Everywhere you go and at any time, thanks to the application Magnificat gain...

The "Gospel of PL-C" is dedicated to the Android platform. It has been used in the official translation of the Holy Gospel published by the Warsaw Metropolitan Orthodox (second, revised edition, Warsaw 2015). The application allows reading...

It is proposed at your disposal sensational treasury church songs - song book, which includes more than 10,000 hymns for each day. Many years of experience, knowledge, willingness and need to sing it possible to edit the songs in the electronic...

Welcome to the new application of the Holy Bible, in which you can contemplate the messages of God contained in the Bible Audio in Polish, and therefore always have at hand your favorite book that always helps you overcome the challenges that life...

God bless! This application is dedicated in a special way to priests, brothers and nuns and to all those who daily pray for the Liturgy of the Hours, and health problems or old age prevent them from reading the texts from the breviary. It was also...

Apklikacja "Praise the Lord" is a version of a book release eloktroniczną "Praise the Lord - songbook and prayer for the believers of the Roman Catholic Church in the Diocese of Ostrava-Opava at the Cieszyn Silesia" on the basis...

Liturgy + will give us free access and without publicity to the whole Liturgy of the Church and much more: - Liturgy of the hours (Office of Readings with the included biennial lectionary, Lauds, Intermediate Time, Vespers and Complete). - All the...

If you seek to persevere and walk with God, be sure to use the Sanctus. With several features and new content daily, Sanctus provides the best experience for you to pray anytime and anywhere. Follow the liturgy daily. Listen to what God has to say...

READ, THINK ABOUT & SHARE life-changing words from the Bible! The LCWords app will deliver a Bible verse to you every day. Read, be inspired, and pass on the inspiration to others on Facebook, Twitter via text message or email. KEY...

The application is implemented in cooperation with Ing. Matthew Brill, who is responsible for the website and is an offline version of this page. The application includes biblical readings and a liturgical calendar of biblical reading....

The Saint Bernardine sisters living in the enclosure are custodians of the Sanctuary of St. Joseph in Kraków and offer the "Saint Józef my guardian" mobile application, so that users can establish a relationship especially with Jesus...

With Young Liturgy you will always have the texts of liturgical celebrations and pray the Liturgy of the Hours of the day proposed by the Ambrosian rite. You can always use the correct texts, complete and constantly updated by the editorial board...

Download now fantastic application liturgy of the hours The Divine Office (Liturgy of the Hours) is the sentence set (psalms, antiphons, hymns, prayers, Bible readings and others) that the Church is organized to be recited at certain times every...

We often speak of our life as a road. Moving around it, we need reference points, direction indicators and warning signs. Every day, the Bible is a source from which we can draw the right inspirations for our everyday lives and help us make our...

So that pretty words don't become extinct like mammoths, we've prepared a free and ad-free application that lets you learn interesting words and their playful definitions every day. The application is maintained in the convention of the...

Welcome to your Magnificat App! Everyday, wherever you go, the MAGNIFICAT App puts at your fingertips a treasury of beautiful prayers. Each day includes the official texts of Mass, prayers for both morning and evening inspired by the Liturgy of...

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